Why Aurion


A faster and easier way to securely extract your Aurion Cloud data for use in third-party applications.

What’s possible?

Connect your Aurion Solution to DataSmart via Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface technology or directly to their dedicated AWS S3 bucket for quick and secure data extraction.

  • Read-only copy of your Aurion data

  • Your DataSmart environment lives in Aurion Cloud

  • Define accounts & permissions

  • Our technical experts assist with setup

*Aurion does not guarantee that Aurion DataSmart can extract required data for specific third-party reporting tools. You must have the necessary knowledge to understand which tables you would like to be included in the data extraction as part of the setup activity. Aurion is not able to provide support or advice on what tables need to be included to meet your reporting requirements. You can use the Aurion entity listing to assist you in scoping what tables to be included as part of the setup. You will need to configure some DataSmart functionality yourself. For more information about DataSmart configuration requirements, please refer to the DataSmart technical configuration guide. Whilst Aurion will provide guidance where possible, any issues relating to your own infrastructure remains your responsibility to diagnose and troubleshoot.

Effortless data extraction with DataSmart

Choose how and when to capture a secure read-only copy your Aurion data to gain deeper people and payroll insights.