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How to advance eLearning in your workplace

Highlights from the AHRI NSW Learning and Development Network Forum.

A diverse group of professionals attended Aurion’s Sydney office last night for an Australian HR Institute (AHRI) forum on how to use technology to build higher staff engagement and performance. The World Economic Forum predicts 54 percent of all employees world-wide will require significant reskilling and upskilling in just three years, and technology will play an important role in facilitating this transformation.

About the AHRI NSW Forum

The AHRI NSW Learning and Development Network Forum event featured Charles Boulo, senior relationship manager at ITC Learning, and Sam Bizri, award-winning eLearning designer and lecturer, who addressed the topic ‘Supporting a modern learning culture’ with user generated content, mobile learning, social learning and immersive learning.

Sam and Charles explained how technology can play an important role in driving performance and supporting a collaborative and modern learning culture. Uses cases were used to illustrate where technology has facilitated mobile learning, social learning and immersive learning. Some great ideas and tools for diversity and inclusion training, such as utilising virtual reality, were discussed and experimented with during the evening.

Key challenges to eLearning were discussed, covering user engagement, deploying the technology in an existing IT environment, getting the business buy-in, and communicating end-user benefits.

Training and assessment anywhere, anytime

As organisations seek to innovate and keep up with the opportunities offered by technology, the rising demand for specific skills and knowledge requires training in new systems and software, making traditional degrees and certificates less significant. This is especially true of areas like payroll that have no professional educational requirements, but many registered, non-degree courses.

eLearning is delivered in any format: platforms, networks, live lectures, static pages, and video conferences. It also facilitates interaction between student and teachers with discussion boards and chats.

VR for workplace training in action

Online resources are accessible anywhere and anytime and makes it far easier to tailor the material presented to the specific audience, making eLearning ideal for practical, short-term training, delivered on-demand in the workplace supporting just-in-time learning.

Much of the eLearning process is automated and scalable, which makes it an economical proposition. Another benefit is that it doesn’t take much time to organise online testing to measure the results. Useful information such as course completion rates, discussion engagement, or the time it takes to complete a course can help instructors to and users to adjust their program.

For the last 18 years, Charles has a worked across multiple industries, with the last 10 years in content technology distribution, education and learning technology. Charles has helped clients improve productivity and performance by implementing the right tools.

Sam Bizri is an experienced lecturer and educational designer with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry in the areas of online teaching and learning. He is a skilled EDUpreneur with good track record in assisting start-ups and training organisations with online education strategies and implementation.

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